Cars mobility are important for disabled drivers, and are a lifeline of independence, chiefly during the winter months. In winter, mobility vehicles are an important part of keeping some disabled people going. They keep you in contact with loved ones and let you do your shopping. With this in mind, here are three simple tips to keep your car healthy this winter.
First and foremost, regular servicing and vehicle checks for your mobility car are the best way to keep it on the road through the winter months. Check your oil level, tyre pressure and windscreen washer fluid on a weekly basis. If any need topping up, do it straight away. Some garages and dealerships offer free winter health checks for your vehicle so take advantage of these. If you have off street parking in a garage or covered and warmer area take advantage of this during winter.
Don’t leave it sitting out in the cold for days on end. Make sure you use any wheelchair accessible vehicles at least every couple of weeks for a longer run to ensure it doesn’t seize up in the cold. Longer runs let the engine warm up properly. This helps keep the car healthier through the winter months and also improves your car’s battery life. Lastly, make sure you keep your mobility vehicle clean. Whilst grit and salt are great for the roads, they aren’t so good for your car. They can speed up corrosive effects on your car, so you should make sure to clean them off paying particular attention to wheel arches and the underside of your vehicle.
At the Automotive Group we can help you find the right cars mobility for you as well as giving you hints and tips on how to best care for your vehicle throughout the year.