Disabled mobility vehicles help to change the lives of Britain’s disabled people. One of the most important features in making disabled people independent comes from being able to get into and out of a vehicle as easily and pain free as possible. This makes your choice of a ramp or lift to enter and exit your vehicle all the more important.
When choosing between wheelchair accessible vehicles the choice of ramps or lifts can often come down to a choice between cost and ease of use. Ramps can be either manual or automatic. Automatic versions do generally cost more. A manual ramp can also be spring loaded to make the process of opening and closing them a little easier. Ramps tend to be fitted at the back, though they can be fitted at the side of a vehicle.
Lifts are generally automatic and can be installed at the back or side of mobility vehicles. Lifts tend to be used in the largest sizes of mobility vehicles where there is a much greater height difference between the ground and vehicle entry height. Your choice of using a ramp or lift may be a little dictated by what is available in the vehicles you want. This is more common for those buying second hand cars. Whichever option you choose you should bear in mind that it will impact on the amount of usable boot space you will have. It may also affect the number of other passenger seats, as well as possibly the amount of ground clearance your car will have.