Mobility lease car sizes vary between small, medium and large. Choosing which size you need when hiring one depends on your individual needs and is something to think seriously about. Each size of WAV, or wheelchair accessible vehicle, has its own unique set of features, pluses and minuses. So you need to ensure you get the right one for you.
Small wheelchair accessible vehicles are the most popular type on the market. Generally, these are a specially converted family car such as a Citroen or VW. These hire or lease vehicles usually seat 2-4 people with room for a wheelchair or other equipment. They usually feature a lowered floor to accommodate the wheelchair and might feature a rear wheelchair ramp. They work best as a day-to-day run around. A medium sized mobility car would normally be a converted small van or other such vehicle. Some will have a lift at the rear instead of the ramp fitted to smaller models.
A ‘medium’ disability car will often accommodate up to seven people, as well as having dedicated wheelchair space. These larger vehicles are better suited to family days out or even longer trips such as a holiday that involve long drives. They are also suited to fitting the family dog in too! The largest are bigger still than these. They can come with multiple interior setups and conversion options. They come with extra flexibility for the number of people you can fit in as well as storage space. They can even accommodate camper van options!
To find out more about what size mobility lease car is right for you or to buy a new disability car, talk to us at the Automotive Group.