Mobility vehicles UK wide bring a very real sense of freedom and independence to disabled drivers up and down the country. Getting a mobility car can be a godsend. Once you have your new car, you need to make sure you have adequate insurance for your vehicle that doesn’t cost the earth.
In the past it has been difficult for disabled drivers and those who drive wheelchair accessible vehicles to get adequate levels of car insurance. This was because many insurance providers did not fully understand the adaptations and modifications that had been made to these kinds of vehicles. As such not all companies were confident about insuring them. Today it is, at least in general, much easier for those who drive mobility vehicles (whether disabled drivers or those who drive people in wheelchairs) to get mobility car insurance quotes and cover. Whilst costs used to be much higher than for non-disabled driver, today there is no evidence to suggest that disabled drivers will pay a higher insurance premium due to either their disability or the vehicles modifications.
The Equality Act 2010 made it illegal for any insurance company to change disabled drivers more simply because of their disability, unless they can prove it is financially justifiable. It can however sometimes be difficult to obtain an insurance quote over the internet as many insurance providers may want to meet and speak to people directly to find out more about the disability involved and the vehicle itself. However, it is extremely unlikely that insurance providers will refuse to provide insurance for you.
To find out how mobility vehicles UK based can transform your life, call us today.