Mobility wheelchair accessible vehicles, what exactly are they? What is a WAV? It is easy to assume that everyone knows the terms used to describe wheelchair accessible vehicles and what they mean. This might not be the case if you are new to the world of WAVs so here is a little more about them.
Wheelchair accessible vehicles or WAVs are cars and minivans that have been professionally adapted so that they can safely transport and accommodate disabled individuals. Generally, they are designed so that the individual does not have to leave their wheelchair, and at the same time can enjoy the safety, comfort and convenience of a car journey. As well as room for the disabled individual there is usually also additional room for any other equipment that is needed. The aim is to provide mobility that works for each individual’s set of needs.
The goal of any producer of WAVs is to deliver vehicles that are easy to drive and manoeuvre whilst giving disabled drivers as much choice as possible. Mobility vehicles are also often designed to be as economical as possible, reducing cost pressures on those who may be on either a fixed or low income, as well as being kinder on the environment. Vehicles are adapted and converted by seasoned engineers and experts who understand the importance of getting these adaptations just right. It is important to be completely happy with the vehicle you choose, which is why you should organise a test drive of your vehicle before making any leasing or purchase decision.
At Automotive Group, we understand the freedom and independence that mobility wheelchair accessible vehicles bring to people with disabilities. We have over thirty years’ experience in helping customers find the right vehicle for them.