Five Questions To Ask Yourself When Looking For Cars For Wheelchairs
No matter whether you have never purchased mobility equipment before, or you are looking to buy a better and more comfortable wheelchair car, we can assist.
By Stephen
No matter whether you have never purchased mobility equipment before, or you are looking to buy a better and more comfortable wheelchair car, we can assist. There are many different cars for wheelchairs on the market today, and it is important to find the right one for you: a car that fits your budget, lifestyle, and needs.
In this post, we are going to take a look at the five key questions you need to ask yourself in order to find the right mobility car for you. Number one: Is the wheelchair user going to drive the vehicle or will the caregiver be the driver? While all wheelchair accessible vehicles are designed to accommodate a wheelchair user as a passenger, not all of them work when an adaptive driver takes the wheels. If you want to drive the vehicle, you need to consider whether you want to be transferred to the driver seat, or whether you want to drive from your wheelchair. If you have not driven a vehicle before, you should start off by working with a professional driver rehabilitation specialist, as they can give you the advice needed. The second question is what are the key dimensions of your wheelchair? The weight and height of the wheelchair user, as well as any other mobility equipment, will decipher how you are able to enter, exit and manoeuvre within different mobility vehicles. So, you need to measure the combined weight of the wheelchair and the passenger, the length of the passenger when seated in the wheelchair, the width of the wheelchair’s wheels, the width of the wheelchair at its widest point, and the height, which should be measured from the floor to the top of the wheelchair user’s head.
Where is the vehicle going to be parked? This is the third question to consider. This is important in terms of vehicle entry. For example, a side-entry ramp is not going to be a good idea if the vehicle is going to be parked in a narrow garage most of the time. Next, what key features do you want the vehicle to have? Cars for wheelchairs come with a whole host of features today, including removable seats, DVD players, power sliding doors, satellite navigation, back-up cameras and much more. Last but not least, what is your budget? Determining how much money you have to spend is critical from the offset. Of course, you may have assistance from the Motability Scheme. Allowances differ from person to person, and you may need to put some money towards the vehicle you want, or you may decide that you don’t want to use your motability allowance on this at all. Only you know how much you can comfortably afford, so determine what you have available before you begin searching for the perfect vehicle.
Now that you have asked yourself the five key questions regarding cars for wheelchairs, you are now ready to find the perfect one for you. You should never cut corners when doing so. After all, your comfort is the most important thing.
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